Jewish Cultural Scholarship - Shalom College

Jewish Cultural Scholarship

Jewish Culture

We celebrate Jewish cultural activities with all College residents. Jewish residents are invited each term for a Friday dinner with the Head of College and further invitations for Shabbat and festivals are arranged for Jewish residents on request through the Shalom College office, AEPi and AUJS.


Jewish bursaries and cultural scholarships

Jewish bursaries and cultural scholarships support the Jewish culture of the College and provide subsidies for College fees.

  • The annual bursaries are for Jewish students in financial need. An assessment of financial need is done in conjunction with Jewish Care.
  • The cultural scholarships are for college residents who are committed to supporting Jewish culture within Shalom College. The subsidy is an annual $2000 reduction in College fees.

Jewish Cultural Scholarship Requirements

  • Organise and provide an evaluation on 4 college events per annum, leveraging the Jewish calendar and Israel, spread across the tri-semesters
  • Help facilitate hosting of Jewish College residents around major festivals
  • Active RESSOC participation and regular attendance at RESSOC meetings
  • Be present for at least 2 meals a week in the college dining room
  • Be a positive College role model and ambassador for Shalom College

Applicants should apply through the standard Shalom College application process and submit an essay and referee on your suitability for the scholarship to Should you have any questions about this program, please contact Shana Kantor on
